Through four beautiful narratives (The People of the Cave, The Man with Two Gardens, Musa and Khidr, and Dhu al-Qarnayn), this Surah not only summarises the whole religion of Islam but also teaches a number of important lessons. Beginning with the role and function of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), it goes on to highlight the need for Muslims to show genuine concern for humanity at large
The importance of genuine knowledge, and the necessity to take it only from qualified teachers who have taqwa, is also highlighted - showing that the highest form of knowledge is that which is acquired through God-consciousness and utter submission to the Will of Allah.
This Surah also indicates that believers must always strive against their egos and attribute nothing of the blessings and bounties they possess to their egos or knowhow. One must always remember that Allah is the Master of the whole universe and everything that happens in it is under His control, no matter how good, bad or difficult it might appear.