What Shaytaan Does To Some Muslims During Ramadhaan ?
Sold OutThis book is an English translation of a Khutbah titled What Shaytaan Does To Some Muslims During Ramadhaan?, delivered by Shaykh Aboo Nasr Muhammad Ibn Abdullah Al-Imaam.
It is a very powerful sermon, which is packed with benefits. It highlights the ploys of Iblees in seeking to make the Muslims miss out on the benefit which is to be derived from this great month.
Title: What Shaytaan Does To Some Muslims During Ramadhaan ?
Author: Abu Nasr Muhammad Ibn Abdillaah Al-Imaam
Translator: Aboo Ruqayyah Raha ibn Donald
Publisher: Maktabatul Irshad
Pages: 51
Volumes: 1
Size: 14.5 cm x 21.5
Binding: Paperback
Edition Number: 1st
Year Of Publication: 2013
Weight: 0.09 kg