Al-Jawab-Ul-Bahir - The Outstanding Answer On Visiting Graves
Al-Jawab Ul-Bahir - The Outstanding Answers On Visiting The Graves by Shaykh ul Islam Ibn Taymiyah deals with the important subject of travelling to other then the three Masjids (Masjid-ul-Haram in Makkah, Masjid-un-Nabawy in Madinah and baytul Maqdis in Palestine) in order to visit the graves of prophets and saints.
This book is fact a discourse which shaykh al-Islam wrote to An-Nasir, the sultan of his time, clarifying his position on this controversial subject. It was his position which his enemies later distorted and utilised as a means to have him imprisoned in Damascus, wherein he remained until his death in the year 721 A.H.
Moreover, Taqiyudin as-Subki wrote a book entitled shifa as-siqam in which he tried to refute Ibn Taymiyah by authenticating some weak and fabricated narrations on the virtues of visiting the grave of the Prophet ﷺ
Hafiz Ibn Abdil Hadi, one of Ibn Taymiyah's foremost students, refuted As-Subki in his Sarim Al-Munki and excerpts of his refutation are also included in this publication detailing As-Subki's gross misrepresentation of the truth.