The Clear Quran - A Thematic English Translation - Study Journal Edition
The Clear Quran Study Journal provides space for readers to take notes while reading the Quran and the easiest and best English translation. It is highly recommended for students of knowledge and a perfect addition as a curriculum book for schools.
Pleasant to Read, Easy to Understand, Noted for its clarity, accuracy, eloquence, and flow.
For a translation to do justice to the Quran and capture its elegance and vigor, it has to be accurate, smooth, eloquent, and accessible. Unlike most popular translations, The Clear Quran: A Thematic Translation by Dr. Mustafa Khattab masterfully passes on all counts.
Thousands of hours have been put into this work over the last few years to guarantee accuracy, clarity, eloquence, and flow. To achieve accuracy, the translator has made use of the greatest and most celebrated works of old and contemporary tafsir (Quran commentaries), and shared the work with several Imams in North America for feedback and insight. For clarity, every effort has been made to select easy to understand words and phrases that reflect the beauty, flow, and power of the original text. Along with informative footnotes and surah (chapter) introductions, verses have been grouped and titled based on their themes for a better understanding of the chapters, their main concepts, and internal coherence. Thanks to the dedicated team of scholars, editors, and proofreaders, we believe that the "Clear Quran Translation" is the finest English translation of the Final Revelation.
This translation has been officially approved by Al-Azhar University and endorsed by ISNA (Islamic Society Of North America) and the Canadian Council of Imams.